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Services for Education Settings

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Education: Our Services

slt4me provide integrated Speech and Language Therapy into nurseries settings as well as

mainstream and special schools across Sussex, Brighton and Hove and surrounding areas.


Do any of the children in your setting…

  • find it hard to make friends or to play with others?

  • avoid eye contact?

  • struggle to follow instructions or understand what is being said to them (by peers/adults)?

  • have difficulties following the rules in games or in the classroom?

  • not use any words or only use a small number of words?

  • communicate physically instead of verbally?

  • find it difficult to say certain words? 

  • use shorter sentences than their peers?

  • say inappropriate things to others?

  • get stuck on words?

  • have difficulty making certain speech sounds?

  • struggle to be understood (due to intelligibility issues or difficulties putting their ideas together)?    


If you have concerns that any of the children in your setting have difficulties with any of the areas

mentioned above then please do consider contacting us to discuss whether a Speech and Language Therapy assessment is appropriate. Please remember that all conversations about specific children

require consent to be gathered from the child/young person’s parents/carers.   


For your setting, we are able to offer a range of services tailored to meet the individual needs of your

nursery/school such as: 


  • Developing class based or whole nursery/school visual support strategies

  • Delivering training packages (e.g. bespoke training to help identify and

supporting children and young people with Development Language Disorder (DLD), Speech

Disorders, Selective Mutism, Dysfluency/Stammering through to nationally recognised courses such as 

Elklan training)

  • Screening assessments for new class intakes

  • 1:1 or paired sessions with specifically identified children

  • Leading small groups to target specific difficulties (e.g. attention

and listening, comprehension, vocabulary development, development of social skills,

phonology etc.)

  • Training staff to run language stimulation and transition groups 

  • Supporting target setting and reviewing of Individual Education Plan (IEP)

  • Attendance at Annual Review Meetings

  • General consultancy and guidance for class teachers and SENCOs

  • Whole setting support to integrate the principles of a Communication Friendly Environment

  • Offering coffee mornings or training sessions for parents/carers/families

  • Joint sessions in school with TA/LSAs/Support Staff and families to ensure joint working

and effective communication

Education: Our Services


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Education: Our Services

To make sure we get the most accurate picture of the child’s/student’s speech, language and communication needs we use a range of formal (standardised and norm-referenced) and informal (interaction, observation and play based) assessments.


Education: Our Services


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Education: Our Services

At slt4me we work together with children and young people, their families and the staff who work closely with them in their education settings to ensure that their tailored therapy packages are most effective. Together we can work towards integrating the individualised targets into their education setting to ensure they are achievable and can become part of their daily lives. We will revisit these targets on a regular basis to review progress and ensure that they remain the right targets for them. We encourage school staff to observe and be part of the therapy sessions so that any developing skills have the best chance of transferring into the education environment.

Sessions can be 1:1, as part of a small group or integrated into the classroom. Therapists will model activities and strategies, offer advice and give staff the chance to take part in supporting the child’s/student's development outside of the therapy session.

Education: Our Services


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Education: Our Services

slt4me offer training in preschools, nursery and schools settings to all staff who are in contact with children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) as well as eating, drinking and swallowing (EDS) difficulties.

Education: Our Services

07999 412100

165 Heene Road, Worthing, BN11 4NN, United Kingdom

Copyright© 2020 by slt4me

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