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Training: Our Services

Training and Supervision

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Training: Our Services


slt4me offer a wide range of bespoke training packages to meet the needs of individuals and settings across Sussex, Brighton and Hove and surrounding areas. We are able to offer training in preschools, nursery and school settings to all staff who are in contact with children with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) as well as eating, drinking and swallowing (EDS) difficulties.

We offer training tailored to specific SLCN (e.g. Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Speech Delay/Disorders, Dysfluency, Selective Mutism, Dysphagia (EDS)), how to use strategies and resources with individuals and within your setting (e.g. use of visuals, establishing a communication friendly environment, embedding SLT into whole class/whole school approaches) through to implementing nationally and internationally recognised training packages and resources (e.g. ELKLAN, Zones of Regulations, Lego Therapy).


Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can deliver training for you and your setting either in person or virtually.

Training: Our Services

Supervision and Coaching

slt4me offer supervision and coaching for Speech and Language Therapists working independently, within the NHS and in school settings. We are able to offer this face to face or remotely.


Please contact us to discuss how we can provide 1:1 or group support. 

07999 412100

165 Heene Road, Worthing, BN11 4NN, United Kingdom

Copyright© 2020 by slt4me

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